Athens Georgia business listings

Earlier 2015 we worked on a half developed project that was 50% blog and 50% listings. The site had lots of work needing to be done including adding custom blog posts for listings and making it easy for users to dig through the site and find the place they desired. Using categories and other items to delineate each listing type from the other I found this project was very busy body work and would require extensive hours to upkeep.
2 years later, the option to upgrade the site to a better listings style system was offered and we went with Listify. Listify offered so many different types of advanced listing website development that was easy to use and easy to manipulate (detour the term easy in developer terms).
Setting up a Listing
Setting up a listing is simple, but does require attention to detail and there are some potential issues that can be obtrusive if you make a mistake. The first issue is once you publish a listing, you cant modify the listing in the simplistic way you just created it… Dont blame the developer.. WordPress has a thoughtfully engineered Custom fields, but when you submit your listing, it removes the easy to use Listing Data form.. BOOO… But forgiveable…
Setting up the site
The make-up of Listify is done through widgets… I KNOW…
Yes… But.. It is a very good method for this type of site. To explain better, Widgets promote horizontal tabular style data better and more easily shareable than post areas… Sure.. Some sort of page bakery might have made life easy but dont poo on it just to quick.
We ended our delivery of this site with a Event posting system, so customers could easily submit an event they are holding with an event posing system. Pretty sweet in my opinion. What we end up with is a really easy to use system that allows for updating listings and adding events.